why do people want to take trucks off the road?

by caitlyn
(springfield CO)

The people here want to take trucks off the roads and I have no clue why. Its like they have some thing against trucks and the drivers.

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Nov 14, 2012
It;s not gonna happen!!
by: Anonymous

You have nothing to worry about...trucks will never be taken off the road!! How will these people who want the trucks off the road, receive their food, clothing, and all the products they need to survive IF they take trucks off the road???

Yes people hate trucks because they use up a lot of space on the road, space that can be theirs, these people who want trucks off the road are selfish, self centered people who think they are the only ones on the road, and they own the road when they are driving.

These types of people need to be taken off the road because they are the real danger out on there!!!

But if I were you I wouldn't worry about it, cause its not gonna happen, not as long as there is a need and survival is a base for that need.

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