Why Do Truck Drivers Litter? What if you saw it happen - would you...

by Hervy

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

What if you saw another truck driver throwing trash on the ground. Would you call him/her out?

I don't know about you, but that really bothers me that truckers have thrown all of this trash out on the ground all over the country.

Then they complain about not being allowed to park. Drivers, we have to do better than that. I know must of you here probably don't do that. My visitors here seem to actually care about things like that. I might be wrong though,lol.

You tell me....does that bother you at all?

I mean, I do see people who have trash in their own yards so I guess they wouldn't care. Further more, is cigarette buts considered trash to you? To me yes. Those filters are as bad as a bottle. It's not going to biodegrade and it is easily noticeable anyway.

Ok, that's my little rant. Just wondering what percentage of other truckers are bothered by this. Really I wonder if you would say something if you happened to be parked beside someone who you saw littering.

If so, what would you say?

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Jan 26, 2023
A little litter leads to lots of litter
by: Anonymous

I disagree with what you said. if everyone had the attitude that oh, it’s no big deal if I just littler a little bit, multiply that times a lot of people and that’s the situation we’re in. Many highways covered with litter, because some people couldn’t wait to find a trash can.

It’s completely unnecessary and shows disrespect and disregard for nature and fellow man.

Mar 21, 2018
I Mind My Business
by: Anonymous

I don't say anything when I see someone litter. I've traveled over the world and been a long haul trucker for many years and realize that little piece of litter doesn't mean anything in the big picture.

Also, the person throwing the litter on the ground might be stressed out due to circumstances in his life and stick a knife in me for meddling in his business.

Now, I'm dead and my wife and children have to cope and get through life without my support all because I couldn't keep my mouth shut over a cigarette butt or candy bar wrapper.

Mar 21, 2018
I agree
by: Anonymous

I agree with everything you said.

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