Why do truckers hate driving in the snow?

by The Bandit

This is why I ask. http://www.dailydump.net/2011/02/truck-drivers-hate-snow/ You want to hear a pissed of trucker.

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Mar 24, 2011
The S word
by: NickV

The frozen precipitation you speak of is a bad word in the trucking industry known as the S word. Its scary to drive in, it slows you down, its dangerous, and most of all it brings out the worst in every driver on the road. DOT completely shuts down highways and if your in the wrong spot your staying there til they decide its ready to roll on. Think of someone putting a railroad crossing in the middle of your cities most major highway and you were in the front of the line. Last exit is 5 miles back, guess what, you sit til the weather gets better and DOT raises the bar to keep going. Hope you got food and plenty of fuel cause it could be 2 hours, could be 2 days, never know. Plus, we sit, we dont get paid. You have to watch out for drivers making poor decisions and thats big trucks and 4 wheelers too. Its just not fun at all. Its white knuckled driving and the miles take 5 times the amount of time as if it were clear.

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