Why do truckers use every single gear when driving without a load?

As a driver of a car, I noticed that most truckers hauling flatbed semi without a load start from a stoplight using every single gear. The truck accelerates real gradually as if the trucker was hauling a speck of neutron star stuff because of this practice. Now, when hauling a load (especially one of max legal weight) the trucker has no choice. But with a flatbed with no load, a car driver would think that the trucker would skip a few gears to accelerate more quickly. Is it just habit, or is there a real reason?

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Mar 18, 2010
speaking for myself i don't use lower gears for taking off when unloaded
by: Anonymous

Not all use every gear on take off when unloaded. If they know their equipment they can skip gears but like the truck I drive has a auto shift and it starts in 2nd loaded or unloaded and unless I select low gear and I let it shift though the gears because it is computer regulated so it won't stall or "fall on it's face" so to say but it does take off quicker unloaded

Mar 11, 2010
Gear Jammin' fools.
by: Jimmy

I like it when they use every gear when bobtailing. (No trailer). It is in-experience. Yes, you can skip some gears easily enough. Jimmy

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