Play your own game. Drivers like you make us all look bad.
There are groups out there dedicated to making our lives and jobs harder, drivers like you are just pouring gas on their fire, thanks for nothin.
Sep 11, 2012 Rating
Don't be an idiot by: Hervy
You can be an idiot and follow this advice if you want to.
Don't cry about the points, fines or how you are treated by your trucking company.
This line of thinking is what ends up making a driver miserable complaining about how bad trucking is, how he/she can't get a good trucking job and how the DOT is out to get truck drivers for no reason.
You will here them on the CB talking about how much trash they talk to the DOT when pulled and bragging about how they tell their dispatcher what they don't have to do.
May also talk about how they won't answer the phone or make check calls.