why is 32 years of driving not any good to any body

by F.H.Wilson
(Clinton TWP, michigan)

This may sound a bit silly but here it goes anyway. I have had a curant class A for well over 40 years and was an O/O for the better part 30 years with a very clean record, no tickets, no accidents ever (I no we have all heard that before) but I really have that clean of a record. Don't how but there it is.

I have been out of the cab for about 11 years now and times getting harder I need to make some income, still not looking to get rich (gave that idea up years ago) but I would like to be able to pay my bill on time for a change.

But now when I talk to anyone about a job they all want me to go TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL, so for what so I can teach the teacher how to drive??? Oh, and they think that I should pay for scool out of myself, I don't have any money.

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Feb 09, 2011
Possible Trucking Company to get you on the road
by: TinyToez

have you contacted Prime, Inc.? They have an in house CDL course if you no longer have your CDL, I do not know if they may have just a refresher if you do have the CDL still, but it is worth a try.

Oh, and we were told the reason they want you to "start over" is because there have been a lot of changes in the industry in the last few years.

My husband had been out a little longer than you and had to start over as well, but Prime was more than happy to take him on because of his clean record from before.

Mar 28, 2011
EXP health, and good record, NO GOOD

Homeless Jobless, but, in complete health

Have been deemed off limits, by companies, because of
"insurance reasons"

Last worked cl a delivery
2009, still looking for work, GPS, Computer,


Well, went to TT school in 86. Got license.
First in class. Didn't get dependable job till
winter 90-91 western NY(driving on own). The state,had ten feet of snow, on the ground, at the time, with more coming, in every day.
Worked OTR, then local, out of home state MA three years, at same company. Company, got sold. New owner didn't view me as appropriate. Dispatcher, left and in a year+few months, went to work for, dispatcher, at next company for a year, then emediatly went to, next opportunity with dispatch, for a year, after, you know. Then companys went belly up. Then didn't get TT job for two years.
Then Same Didpatcher said he'd quit, his current job, if I wasn't,hired 2003, on his next job. Got condition from bad vibrations, treated like, I had to deal with everything. Because?
It was the trucks(plus former trama).
Previous to this, got rep, for dealing with things/situations/trucks, that, no-one else would. I, mostly, feel, I was
really messed up, by the fact there was no women in middle management, anymore,the shipping industry.

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