why was the driver on duty for 24 hours?

the accident between the walmart truck and the limo over the weekend, was the driver being pushed to make a delivery on time?

It happens all the time. I speak from experience. has that aspect of the accident been investigated?

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Jun 12, 2014
Walmart and the other big non trucking companies NEW
by: TruckerYitz

I am amazed that people will talk bad about these huge companies. Walmart and coca-cola and us-mail and other huge companies that haul their On my way! Stuff, are not pressed like trucking companies to satisfy their customers.
They are usually driving the speed limit and not more then posted
One can't drive for them with out years of experience and a real clean driving record and a whole bunch of continued safety meetings.
So I guess all the bad talk comes from drivers that couldn't get the good jobs, or from the ignorant drivers that down talk most others.
I could think of no possibility where a walmart driver is driven beyond or worked beyond allowed regulations.
And as far if it is true that driver was up for last 24 hours, which at this point of writing this comment is only a repeated media speculation, heck we all have lives outside the work environment and many if us have stayed up all nite watching over a child, or worried about life's cercumstance,
Or stayed up on a family reunion or festive occasion and then drive home or to work and slept the next day a little longer.

Jun 12, 2014
Walmart and the other big non trucking companies NEW
by: TruckerYitz

I am amazed that people will talk bad about these huge companies. Walmart and coca-cola and us-mail and other huge companies that haul their On my way! Stuff, are not pressed like trucking companies to satisfy their customers.
They are usually driving the speed limit and not more then posted
One can't drive for them with out years of experience and a real clean driving record and a whole bunch of continued safety meetings.
So I guess all the bad talk comes from drivers that couldn't get the good jobs, or from the ignorant drivers that down talk most others.
I could think of no possibility where a walmart driver is driven beyond or worked beyond allowed regulations.
And as far if it is true that driver was up for last 24 hours, which at this point of writing this comment is only a repeated media speculation, heck we all have lives outside the work environment and many if us have stayed up all nite watching over a child, or worried about life's cercumstance,
Or stayed up on a family reunion or festive occasion and then drive home or to work and slept the next day a little longer.

Jun 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

DOT regs state a driver can drive up to 11 hrs for each 10 hr break taken and be on duty for up to 14 hrs. Now if he was on an ELD (electronic logging device) the unit would have counted down his clock and warned him at 1 hr, 30 mins and then again at 5 mins that he was going to be done with his hours. This would have alerted his company and he would have been called immediately and told to pull over at the closest safe haven for his 10 hr break. As for drivers who use paper logs, most drivers run 2 logbooks. Very few drivers run legal with paper anymore. The drivers and companies are both at fault but it comes down to the responsibility of the driver. No one is forcing him to driver over hours.

Jun 10, 2014
Walmart wreck NEW
by: Anonymous

your comment are just your own about the driving situation Walmart trucks are equipped with Qualcomm electronic logs. I haul nothing but Walmart trailers to their stores. they are time sensitive delivery you have plenty of time to make it.

Jun 10, 2014
Walmart wreck NEW
by: Anonymous

your comment are just your own about the driving situation Walmart trucks are equipped with Qualcomm electronic logs. I haul nothing but Walmart trailers to their stores. they are time sensitive delivery you have plenty of time to make it.

Jun 10, 2014
Wal-Mart wreck NEW
by: Anonymous

Wal-Mart is just as much at fault for not keep track of their driver log that show how many hours a driver can drive, My husband works as a driver and keep's log book's that dictate how long he can drive. By law a driver of a commercial vehicle can only drive a max of 10 hrs per day then they have to rest. This man and Wal-Mart disregarded those rule for what ever reason, they are both should be held responsible for the accident. and it is not just wal-mart it is bus company's they all know the hours there drivers drive but they push the drivers to keep going or lose their jobs and they all work to pay bills it is also drivers need to stand there ground but if they don't do what is asked they lose their job's so whom is at fault company's or driver's my husband is a driver and he say they both at fault so we as consumers and people on the road need to speak up bars are now held accountable for a drunk driver leaving their bar's then the trucking company's and bus company's should be two.All our family's are out there we all need to come together it so bad to see these company's putting the accidents on the drivers when they could prevent allot of it but they want to blame drivers all the time i need to here from all that is concerned please tell me your concern with this email and tell your friend's to respond. midnite6969@gmail.com

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