why would a company pay me with by fuel card?

by mark

i told my recruiter i did not want direct deposit,he said youll get paid by fuel card..what????

and do they know how many miles i have driven durring the pay period??

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Aug 21, 2011
Comdata/Fuel card
by: NickV

The information the guys have given you is dead on I just would like to add to it. You will recieve a comdata card along with comdata checks. They are kinda chinsy with these checks so if you see a pile layin around grab more cause you definitly dont want to run out and hope to get by a terminal to get more. More than likely you will be paid by the paperwork you send via TripPak or TransFlo. Once you are paid the info was correct, smartest thing to do is whipe it out. This guarantees that your money doesnt get folded into tolls, or lumpers, or whatnot. You can make a transaction on your comdata and transfer your funds onto a comdata check. You can cash this check at most major truck stops fuel desk. If you do it after you fuel its free. If not there is a fee or percentage. Also im guessing you are new to trucking and not alot has been said about driver reward cards. You can get these at the counter of Loves and Pilot but have to send off for Flying J and T/A will give you a temporary. These are awesome as they reward you for spending your companies money is pretty much how it breaks down. Owner ops its nice but im sure they would rather see lower prices at the pump. Anyway, you get so many cents added on this card per gallon of fuel. Before you know it you can acrue free dinners or even just use the money towards new toys for the truck. All this while not spending a dime. Hope this helps and if you need any more questions answered about comdata or driver rewards cards or whatever just shoot. Good luck to ya and keep the greasy side down and the shiny side up, im out.

Jul 14, 2011
by: Jimmy

Hey welcome aboard. The truck co. will give you a comdata card, which is a card to charge fuel on and is billed direct to the co. That comdata card is also tied to you and is sort of a credit card as well. If you get an advance, for instance, it goes on the comdata card and then you get it from an atm or at the truckstop. Also, your pay, if the co. works this way, will go on your comdata card too. Then you can draw off it as needed or deposit the whole amount in the bank.

One word of caution. Always clear your comdata because the co. can still access any funds on there that are yours. So, if you had an accident for instance or any dispute or you quit suddenly, they will immediately "freeze" your account. Jimmy

Jul 14, 2011
how do truckers get paid
by: hervy

It's not unheard.of to get paid with the fuel card because it is probably a t-check or comdata card which handles financial transactions far beyond simply fuel. The common term is just misleading so its definitely a good question to ask.

They will know miles because they run a software program that's gives miles for point a to b. Usually minus about 10 percent. This is an industry standard rip off practice. Few companies will pay hub miles. (Miles the truck actually travels)

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