Why would truck drivers flash the spotlight on the side of their cab at me when I'm passing in the left lane?

by Zack

Driving in the late hours of the night and early hours of the morning, when I-95 is ruled by truckers, I came across several whom when I passed from the left lane, flashed a bright spotlight on the side of their cab.

This light is mounted such that it is aimed directly at the driver of a car that is passing the truck. I was not "coasting" alongside the truck and made all of my passes in a timely manner when traffic and road conditions allowed.

This light is rather blinding when your in a passenger vehicle and this practice seems dangerous. Were these drivers trying to signal me, or just toying around with the few "4-wheelers" on the road in those late/early hours?

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Oct 12, 2021
Crazy truckers
by: Anonymous

Last night a trucker rode my ass and turned his spot light on 3 different times! He had room to pass but still continued doing this. He also turned all of his lights off a couple of times. This was at 3 am. He even followed me off of my exit but I lost him. It was very scary. I wish I had gotten his tag number. Reminded me of joyride.

Oct 30, 2019
Spotlight on me when they are merging NEW
by: Anonymous

This morning I was in right lane of busy area getting ready to get off next exit and the truck driver merging into MY lane turned on the spotlight on me and new his horn. Only thing i could do is speed up if I slowed down he would have hit me. I had the right of way! I have never seen this practice before and do about 35K miles a year. The truck driver obviously did not want to slow down!

Dec 14, 2017
So funny that you all don’t know what that light is for, NEW
by: Remmik

That’s a skirt light. The trucker is hoping your passenger has a short skirt and her legs propped up, to give him something pretty to look at as you drive by.
I never installed one but most truckers know that light well.

Dec 09, 2015
truck drivers don't like it... NEW
by: Anonymous

... When you flash your high beams they would rather you shut your lights off and turn them back on again if you can imagine having that being hit you in the eye when you're looking in your rearview mirror

Dec 09, 2015
Thanks! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your answers. I figured it may be this and I do try to be courteous to drivers when passing. Like I said, I do not linger on the side... I pass and then merge back into the right lane when it's safe to do so. They must have thought I had my high beams on, which I do not use on the highway. I did flash them back to show them this, though also out of confusion as to why I was being flashed. I think it may just be a poor design on the part of the vehicle manufacturer as this seems to be a common occurrence when driving that car. I will look into the headlamp alignment though. Thanks again!

Dec 09, 2015
Back in the day... NEW
by: Anonymous

....I used to use my spotlight, but I noticed that doing that was a bit harsh.

Now I just use the power-mirror and turn it right back at you. It gives you a small taste of what you are giving me.

It usually works within seconds of doing so.

There really is no other way for us to let you know that you are really causing us issues. You have to realize that our eyes are geared for the dark.

You start throwing blasts of light directly in our eyes and we have issues long after you have passed.

Truckers are guilty of this also from time to time, but we just flash our lights or jump on the C.B... if that doesnt work, we DO have "alternate" methods, but that is more of a "trucker-to-trucker" thing.

It doesn't happen very often. Sometimes truckers forget to shut off their back-of-cab lights, and if they are pulling a step-deck or a FB, they cant see the reflection.

Many times there arent any indicator lights on these cab switches.

We appreciate NOT driving around looking like dorks

Every once in a while i forget to turn off my turn signal. WHy? I cant see it flashing from where I sit in my cab, inside or out. I sit low in my hood. I can't hear it ticking either. My engine and exhaust are loud.

So... I appreciate the warning. Usually someone will just hold their opposite signal on in front of me.

Ive seen people come up along side of me and try to do some kind of strange blinking hand-motions also... lol... I don't usually get that. I'm like.. WTF are you doing? Waving at me? Speaking sign language?

Sooner or later I realize it.... duuuuuhhhhhh

Dec 09, 2015
yep NEW
by: Anonymous

going to agree, I promise you the 4 Wheeler are blinding the drivers.

you either had your brights on or as the other trucker mentioned lights out of adjustment.

what people don't realize is we have these big huge mirrors AND YOUR LIGHTS BLIND US. because of the size of the mirrors and how they are positioned( pointedto see the wholetrailer and road) your lights stay in our eyes longer.

most people think we are up high and their lights don't bother us, but actually its the opposite its worse. high beams point up more.

Dec 08, 2015
You have lights... NEW
by: Anonymous

...out of adjustment.

Probably something that has been BLINDING THEM ever since you came up on them.

Check you headlight adjustment on a door. You may be surprised to find that one of them is shooting high and to the left.

It could also be H.I.D.'s that are too bright, or that you left your brights on...

either way, you are blinding someone and they are letting you know, either by hitting you at the last minute to piss you off and let you know, or just to let you know that you need to pull over and take care of something that is causing an issue.

I guarantee you, they are not doing it FOR NO REASON!

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