Widow of a Long Haul Trucker

by Terina Cruz
(Austin, KY)

Good morning yall!

I’m sitting here with coffee in hand and I’m thinking about this situation that I’ve been left to deal with.

Between me and my husband we have over 50 years in the trucking business. Unfortunately my husband passed away leaving me to hold down the fort.

After his passing I have had to make some very difficult decisions, which left myself in dire straits. I have to laugh because I have no more tears.

I’m left with the house we bought. I’m wondering why own a home when you can’t use the equity you have in it. Looking for the so called friends we once had. I’m in a hard spot right now.

Looking for a hand up, not a hand out. I thought all of us trucking companies and people were supposed to stick together when times were hard.

I have exhausted every lead on offering help in my situation. I was left with widow benefits from Social Security. WOW! To my surprise I’ve been told I make too much money to qualify for help with my heating bills.

On top of this, I am not able to get a loan to get myself outta this situation I find myself in. Not able to work because I can’t get financial assistance to get a car to get a job.

I would really appreciate it if anyone had an idea of of a company that would assist me in any way, shape or form. Just hard to believe that my family of truckers would allow something like this to happen. Grateful for the day and happy to hear anything someone has to share with me.

Thanks for listening to me vent.

Terina C

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Mar 07, 2025
Solutions for Making Money
by: The Crazy Trucker

You definitely have experience doing something you could turn into income Terina.

Finding freight and doing paperwork is a lot of value you could provide to other people and in particular other trucker wives who might be just beginning to do the same thing or be interested in doing the same thing but not sure how to begin.

For the long term strategy, consider creating an ebook, course, website, blog, youtube channel, etc sharing what you learned.

And also consulting. These things are cheap, free to start and could get traction. And if you start either you can feel free to come back here and share it on the website.

Just let me know that you've started.

Also consider my other website retirefromtrucking.com where i talk more about this type of thinking and will soon focus more on doing content about helping truckers, wives make money online. but if you go there now, there are videos to watch to get ideas and learn from.

Feb 11, 2025
by: Terina

Thanks for your comment. I guess i should of been a bit clearer. I don’t hold a CDL. We had a small trucking company. He drove while I did the paperwork and finding freight. You are right about local companies, my problem is I cannot get to a job due to no vehicle/ride.

As far as making too much money, that is from the widow benefits I started receiving from Widow Benefits from SSI. The house I have owned since 2016. So the equity is there, just can’t find someone to loan the funds.

Thanks for your input
Terina C

Feb 11, 2025
Unfortunate Situation For A Trucker Wife to Deal With
by: The Crazy Trucker

Terina, hate that you are going through this situation. And hope things will turn around for you soon.

I'm kind of confused though about why you can't get a trucking job if that's what you're looking for if you have decades of trucking.

Also don't know why you can't use the equity in your home. I don't know how long you've had it but most people have massive equity right now.

Then you turned around and said that people are saying you make too much money. So does that mean you ARE working already? Is that trucking?

There are many companies who will hire an experienced trucking. Try Stevens Transport and Western Express in Austin KY area. There are many but with a quick Google search I see that those two are buying ads. This means they actually are wanting to hire. Not just taking applications.

I would look at a lot of local companies who actually want several years of experience because then they will pay you more money.

If there are community colleges or truck driving schools in your area, you might want to also check them out for trucking instructor help if you prefer not to go over the road. You'll probably have to get a certificate though.

Best of luck navigating the situation.

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