Wife and Husband delivering goods across America - OTR long haul

by Sandy

Where do I begin? First of all, what an honor to drive across our beautiful Nation, delivering goods to America, with my husband (I think he is the best truck driver ever).

I think every person that drives with there partner should feel that way. It can sometimes be the most dangerous and challenging job around! You guys and gals are my hero's.

I quit my job, I was (and am) a corporate travel agent! I have booked people everywhere in the world and especially the US. I thought I was pretty savvy, but oh boy, what a delight and an eye opener traveling across the US had become!

First off, 99% of all truck drivers are kind, gentleman like, generous, wonderful people! I truly admire these guys. I have so much to share, and have always wanted to encourage the rider part of the trucking industry. I will for sure write more info and helpful hints for those interested! Just an update, my Hubby is no longer OTR, he is doing local (500 mile radius)

I 100% miss being OTR....interestingly enough, he likes local better.....It's way less stress on him, but I really miss it:) I love America and miss it very much!


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Jul 25, 2016
New Girlfriend Loving the life too
by: Ice_Mystic

Hi Sandy, great post, I am just new to the trucking lifestyle but like you I love travelling around with my trucker, right now I have a full time job, but take vacation when ever I can to go in the truck with him. Our time together has been great so far.

I wish I could go more often. It is so nice to see encouraging posts. Thanks

Jul 23, 2016
I love riding all over from coast to coast with my honey!
by: Lenita

Thank you Sandy for ur post! I also enjoy our days together. My husband and I have come a very long way on this road we travel, even speaking literally haha!

He never ceases to amaze me how wonderful of a man he truly is. I am so proud to be married to him even thru hardships we have encountered individually, we turned to each other and grew and learned so much..

He was even the best driver I've ever known before we ever ventured out together. My life has been in his hands comfortably just because he has put ours in Gods hands.

Without our creator, we wouldn't have learned to love each other and love life the way we do so with that being said, this truck drivers wife feels like the most happiest woman because he lets me know everyday how proud to be this woman's man and he gets to have me by his side;)

Jul 22, 2016
Wonderful news
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Sandy. So nice to hear a couple loving life as a trucker and enjoying their time together over the road.

Wife you all many years of success!

Hope that you take a moment out there to share tips and advice to other couples you come across on the road when you get the opportunity :-)!

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