wife of a trucker is not easy

by Patricia graven
(el campo tx)

It is very hard. I have been with my husband for 5 years and we have a 3 year old son and I have a stepson with him.

At the beginning it's was love at first sight. Then I had our baby boy and it just when all down hill and I was at the point were I fell out of love.

So I took a step back and start to think a I knew I loved him with all my heart but it is still hard when he is not here for the family as much as I want him to be.

It is very hard to be a truckers wife

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Jun 16, 2016
Truckers Wife NEW
by: Vanessa Mason

The only thing tougher than a trucker is a truckers wife. When you think about how hard it is without him, think about how hard it is for him, you are home with the kids, he is missing home, you, and the kids. Have to deal with cooking home cooked meals, he has to gag down the fast food day after day. When you are making ends meet with the bills, he is driving to make the money he sends you to make those ends meet.So yes it is very hard to be a truckers wife, but nothing compares to it when he does come home, make the most of every moment with him, and don't forget to fall back in love with him the second he walks back in the door and always give him the loving support he so dutifully gives to you.
The only thing tougher than a trucker, is a truckers wife.

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