Wife of a Trucker to be....

by Tanya Tucker
(Springfield, Oregon)

I'm going to be a wife of a trucker. We've been married 12 years and have five beautiful kids. I have no idea how I'm going to do this but I'm sure God will be with me. It makes me tear up when I think about how much he's going to miss while our kids are growing up.

I just pray that God will be with me and our kids during our struggles.

I just hope this is what He wants. I'm not sure what's to come. I need all of the support I can get. It's not going to be easy raising our kids without him.

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Jun 30, 2011
Girlfriend of a Trucker to Be
by: Kate

My boyfriend is a recent grad from a 2yr automotive program who was looking for a job. With the economy being as screwed up as it is, trucking with Prime Inc. in Springfield, MO is the only financially possible option right now.
I live near Binghamton, NY and from my house it's a 18hour drive, or 24 hour train ride to get to where he'll be as of July 4th... We've lived at a distance for most of our relationship- 2 hrs, only saw eachother once a month at best except when we were at college (from which I graduated a year ago). I have a career of my own back home, and without a ring on my finger I can't follow him to that distance.
I also tend to be on the dramatic side- I'm a very needy person, though i try not to be. I don't want to stress him with my clingy tendencies but for the first few months this 'arrangement' is going to be hell...
Any suggestions from Trucker Significant Others out there? I'm so scared...

Jun 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you all for your support.I'm still going to need it later. We are still waiting to find out if he got the job.
I'm still concerned about relying on myself to get things done. Like doctor's appointments and going to the grocery store without a driver's license. I'm hope that the few friends I do have will be willing to help. I am involved in a small church.
Another thing I'll have to deal with is paying the bills which I'm not used to taking care of on my own. But I'm sure I will manage. It's gonna be a big change.

Jun 04, 2011
Preperation II
by: Anonymous

Now that we've covered some of the basic stuff for him, It's important to know this... There will be days when u hate your driver for being gone so long. Days you will want to completely destroy that truck with your bare hands. Know that those feelings are ok and completely natural. There are TONS of support groups for families of truckers. JOIN ONE!! (or two or three or four lol) They will be able to help you through the hard times as most of your family and friends will not understand what you are going to be going through (unless they are family of truckers).

Make sure you have a physical support group at home. This way you have someone there to help with kids in the event of a trip to the E.R. or if one of the kids (god forbid) gets sick or hurt and has to pull an overnight in the hospital while your driver is a thousand miles away.
Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the looks, the snide comments, and remarks that some will make. Society in general does not comprehend that the trucking world is not full of "some nasty old drivers". The most important thing to remember is to always keep the lines of communication open at all times. There will be days where you are both frustrated and just need to vent. Make sure that both of you understand that venting to the person you love is not a direct attack on the other.


Jun 04, 2011
by: from a truckers wife.

It is good to see that your family is discussing these things BEFORE he heads out. Most do not, and in result end up in very unhappy relationships. I doubt there is any real preparation that you can have to deal with the lonely nights and the thoughts of missing him. As I’m sure he will miss his family just as much. Just know that the FIRST YEAR IS THE HARDEST!! During that first year, while he is building his experience and dealing with training, there are few good companies that you can choose from. Also know that NOTHING IS GARUNTEED IN THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY. Just because recruiting says he will be home every so often, does not mean he will be home on those days. You have to learn to be extremely flexible. Know and understand he WILL miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, school events. Remember to keep him "grounded". Record school events so he doesn't completely "miss out".

Invest in some good computers with web cams. You'll never know how much it will mean to your driver to be able to see the ones he loves when he's thousands of miles away stuck waiting for a load. He may have to set for a day or two in some locations, so make sure he has stuff to keep his mind preoccupied. Magazines, movies, games ect. Also check your cell phone carrier and make sure they have nationwide coverage. There is nothing worse than to be stuck in the middle of bfe with no cell service. (For both sides.)
Eating solely from some truck stops will make him sick. Invest in a good microwave, cooler, and "burtons stove to go" this way he can have better options of food choices that he can prepare in the truck while he's waiting or down for his breaks....

Jun 04, 2011
Wife of a trucker

The best advice that I can give you is to always be positive and supportive. Cell phones are a great thing, I talk to my hubby 3 or 5 times a day. Hold down the fort and make sure he knows how much you appreciate him!

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