Will an accident in the first in 3 yrs keep me from getting hired

Recent accident first in 3 yrs and got ticket for improper lane change. Will I be able to find another job? No fatalities;no injuries

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Jul 25, 2014
Reply NEW
by: Anonymous

No it was not a roll over. Checked both lanes and proceeded to change and car was said to be in my blind spot. Didn't see it and steer tire damaged the drivers side of the car.

Jul 25, 2014
Reply NEW
by: Anonymous

No it was not a roll over. Checked both lanes and proceeded to change and car was said to be in my blind spot. Didn't see it and steer tire damaged the drivers side of the car.

Jul 21, 2014
an accident in 3 years??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes it can hinder your employment potential if it was a roll over or resulting from alcohol /substance abuse.

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