Will anybody hire me with 7 year old conviction?

by Jeff Burgess
(Yakima, WA.)

Changed man!!

Changed man!!

Its been 7 yrs. since I turned my life over to God and became a good man. I will be graduating CDL school here in Yakima, WA. very soon and am looking for a great company to devote many years to. Am I going to have a hard time even after 7 yrs. with no convictions?

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Apr 27, 2016
Depends on conviction as well
by: Anonymous

Some convictions SOME companies will never consider you. Ever

Drug charges, of cocaine meth.
Sexual abuse of children.

Can't remember the other two.

But call around to recruiters and be HONEST if it is on your record they will find it.

Be painfully honest as hard as it is.

Take it from me I had a 21 year old cocaine conviction and nothing after.
And I was turned down from many companies and was told can't hire you period.
21 years old, paid my cdl out of pocket no loan nothing... I was down to my last two companies willing to train before I was given a shot.

Keep trying and applying.
That company was Schneider, turns out they are the best company (big box)
Out there.

Other company was Swift I shudder to think. I never applied to them.

Apr 26, 2016
7 years in good standing
by: Hervy

Congratulations Jeff on the path you are traveling. I am pretty sure you will be OK with the charge that old. For many trucking companies 5 years is the bench mark, 7 years is another benchmark. 10 is another. So although some companies won't be satisfied many will.

Good luck!

For anyone else reading with serious charge, take classes (local community college) or volunteer if you have free time. Employers will be wondering and likely asking, what you have been doing between the conviction (or release from jail if that is the case...)and now.

Remember, they don't personally know you. They can only make judgement based on what they see on paper and for many they use that more than what they see/hear in front of them. Plus those classes or that volunteerism will benefit you in personal growth and ALL of us should consider doing one or the other or both at some point in our lives. It is gratifying and can be rewarding.

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