will being on the methadone program stop me from being able to get my cdl's or get a job for that matter?

by mike d
(spring hill fl)

I have been on methadone for 7 yrs and its HARD to just get off the stuff but thats another topic.

I start truckin school this monday and was wondering if being on methadone will stop me from gettting my cdl and gettting a job once i'm done schooling.

Thanks bro,your web site is awesome!

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Aug 15, 2010
does dot test for methadone?

THANKS FOR ADVISE.I just might have to take legal action on this cause it really is BS.I have been on methadone for 7 yrs and since than i have not had 1 ticket,accident,or any problem driving at all while taking methadone.It does not inpair me at all,i feel no effect from it except for the fact that it has kept me clean from drugs for the last 7 yrs.
another thing i wanted to know was,does dot test specifically for methadone?maybe if i just dont say anything then i will get by.does anyone know if they test for it? Thanks for the comments

Aug 07, 2010
by: zenith


Unfortunately, at this time, people on MMT are not allowed to obtain CDLs. This is absolutely a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as the only way an employer can refuse to hire someone based on the medication they take is if they can show that it would render them unable to perform their job safely, and countless studies have been done, all showing that stable methadone patients who are not taking other drugs are NOT impaired and can drive as well as the regular population.

At this time, the two primary career fields that are still being illegally discriminated against due to methadone status are nursing and commercial driving. The nursing issue is currently being debated in court and it is looking favorable for the nurse who is suing, so that may very well be changing very soon. We still need someone to sue the DOT on behalf of those who need CDLs.

Try contacting the Legal Action Center (www.LAC.org). This is an org that works to protect the rights of patients in recovery and they deal with this specific issue. They can point you in the right direction.

Also, please know that people who leave methadone treatment relapse at a rate of 90% within the first year. Most people on MMT require long term treatment to prevent relapses due to often permanent chemical changes in the brain that occur with heavy opiate abuse, so I would NOT advise getting off methadone for this reason.

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