will being on unsupervised probation keep me from going on the road or getin a truckin job?

by dylan g
(lexington nc)

i currently had a simple assault charge this year and they gave me some community service and a years unsupervised probation will that effect me in tryin to truck drive

Response: That will definitely give trucking companies something to scrutinize Dylan. I would assume the situation around the assault would matter in some cases where you make it to the interview. In others, it won't matter, the charge will be enough for them to pass you by.

Having said that, there are drivers with worse things on their record. It may be possible to get hired. Only one way to truly find out. Apply

Be sure the terms of your probation allows you to leave the state.

If the terms allow you to leave the state, try the smaller trucking companies for a better chance of getting hired.

getting a trucking job with a record

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May 07, 2012
try driving independant
by: Anonymous

My husband drives as an independent contractor. He is paid weekly in a check and at the end of the year he is given a 1099 misc. Which means he has to pay his own taxes. He was hired by this company and no background check was necessary, but a drug test was mandatory and was done by urine sample.

The drug tests from there on have been random and he must take them or he will get fired. Not that he worries about it he doesn't drink or use drugs anyway. I would think the only worry you should have is that some probation stipulations can be that the person is not allowed to leave the state while on probation and this differs from state to state. Good luck in your job hunting! :)

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