will cdl be revoked if insulin dependent?

by toby lambert

I'm hearing that in june 2015 , if you are diabetic and insulin dependent , your cdl will be taken away in the state of Florida , is this fact? many doctors are saying so.

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Apr 25, 2015
Even school bus drivers in ny can be using external insulin NEW
by: Anonymous

Doesn't the fmcsa have an exemption for insulin users ??

In ny even school bus drivers can use insulin shots.

Strange that diabetics that need to get insulin with the needles have better blood glucose controll the those in pills.

Why would a state refuse a license?

Apr 06, 2015
best of luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes they will refoke your cdl through of not pass medical examine but u can get a cdl for work with a local farmer as long as not drive past a 150 miles away from the farmer's farm to haul his crops. Im from NC and a family friend lost his due to insulin dependence but has cdl without medical card to drive a truck for a local farmer for haul soy beans out the field to the grain binds and tobacco from the barns to local warehouse for auction.

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