will depression disqualify me?

If I have been diagnosed with depression and am taking meds can I still get hired by a trucking company?

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Jul 14, 2015
DOT Physical NEW
by: Hellboy

When you do your DOT physical they will ask about mental or nervous disorders and if you do have an issue the examiner will likely want a letter of support or something from your mental health provider stating that you have been "stable" for the past 6-12 months and by stable I gather to mean no crisis states or ER visits or inpatient admissions, this sort of thing. HI/SI, hallucinations, the big things. They cannot disqualify you simply for having depression because it is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, in fact I think they get a tax break if they do employ you.

Jul 14, 2015
DOT Physical NEW
by: Hellboy

When you do your DOT physical they will ask about mental or nervous disorders and if you do have an issue the examiner will likely want a letter of support or something from your mental health provider stating that you have been "stable" for the past 6-12 months and by stable I gather to mean no crisis states or ER visits or inpatient admissions, this sort of thing. HI/SI, hallucinations, the big things. They cannot disqualify you simply for having depression because it is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, in fact I think they get a tax break if they do employ you.

Jun 22, 2015
Good post NEW
by: Lauryn Hettinger

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May 28, 2015
Depression NEW
by: Anonymous

Talk to a labor attorney. You can usually get a 30 minute consultation "pro bono" (no charge) from many - after that though, the $$$ start to pile up. Bring medical records with you and have all your questions written down.

On the other hand, if you are thinking of going to work for a small outfit, the question may never arise. The larger trucking companies may have a disability statement you'll have to sign.

I wish you the very best. Somebody will hire you. I know a fellow who is the CEO of a very large organization and suffers from chronic depression. He's been faithful to take his meds and hasn't had a relapse for several years.

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