Will diabetes keep me from becoming a trucker?

by Sandra

I have diabetes and I am taking the pills and the needles, will this stop me from driving `8 wheel trucks?

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Mar 04, 2019
You can go trucking with diabetes
by: Hervy

Sandra just because you have diabetes won't stop you. You will need to have it under control with meds over an extended period of time.

Might also need to get a waiver.

Here's the new rules related to diabetes by

Also please know that in most cases you can improve to the point of not needing meds with fasting and diet change.

Intermediate fasting a few days a week or a few days at a time. Do some research.

Mar 04, 2019
Diabetes will not automatically keep you from trucking
by: Hervy

Sandra just because you have diabetes won't stop you. You will need to have it under control with meds over an extended period of time.

Might also need to get a waiver.

Here's the new rules related to diabetes by

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