Will I be allowed to drive big trucks taking my daily prescription of Suboxone?

by Mark J
(Terry, Mississippi)

I take a prescription medicine called Suboxone.

It is a medicine that is for coming off of opiates. I believe that drug tests do not even check for it because it is not exactly like the opiates it's used to treat it. I have been taking it for about a year and have had no contact with any opiates.

The only thing I'm worried about is, I would like to tell my future driving school that I am taking it if it is okay and this would not be a problem.

If it would be a problem I would simply have to come off of the medication slowly to pursue my career as a trucker. Can someone tell me if taking suboxone or prescription controlled drugs is ok by law, or allowed?

Please i need an answer soon because I am a struggling father and am trying to enroll in driving school now to provide my family with a better life.

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Aug 17, 2013
Suboxone NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm thinking about getting my CDL, when I had health insurance I was on suboxone. I've lost my health insurance and now on Methadone.

I read some crazy things on the net. FACT: you can not "legally" drive while on Methadone, the same thing holds true if you take seizure medicine

I called the DOT in Washington, I asked the lady about Suboxone and she told me it's 100% up the the doctor that is giving you the exam.

Methadone is a nasty drug, I take it so I don't go into withdrawals. There's a BIG difference between Methadone & Suboxone, if you take enough Methadone you can get high, you can't w/ Suboxone. Suboxone is NOT addictive either

I hope that helps

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