Will I lose my cdl if I have a medical marijuana card at the same time?

by John die

I smoke a little in between job, I make sure I'm clean before going back on the job search. I got pulled over today and was asked if I had a medical marijuana card by the cop, I said yes.

He later came back to the car and said my license was in the early stage of getting suspended. Can I lose my license for this reason?

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Jun 10, 2024
DOT physicals don't demand a drug test NEW
by: Anonymous

Your companies are asking for the drug test when you go get your CDL medical/physical exam. Not DOT. A drug test is not a requirement of the DOT physical exam. I was also shocked when I found out so calm your tits when you go to flame me, but I tell the truth. Now if you mess up and have an investigated accident, then yes, there will be a drug test involved. A Standard DOT physical does not require a drug test. The urinalysis is to test your kidney function and other medical conditions.


Dec 17, 2023
Will having a marijuana card keep me from getting a trucking job
by: Anonymous

I have a medical marijuana card and a CDL but I’m not working right now so i’m using my medical card.i plan to go back to work next year. At that time my system will be clean and I no longer will use the medical card…?… will that prevent me from getting the job because of me being a card holder even if I’m not using it?

Sep 07, 2021
Important question
by: Anonymous

I have a question,if you purchase legal recreational marijuana at a dispensary with your CDL CLASS A LICENSE will DOT FMCSA KNOW ABOUT IT?

Oct 19, 2019
Cdl and medical marijuana cards.
by: Anonymous

I have stage 4 cancer,I have both cards.I use some thc for my illness,but haven't worked since diagnosed.When I beat this I plan on going back to work,drug free.So why should I give up my cdl,and have to go through all the retesting to go back to work?

May 01, 2019
No, DOT/FMCSA can't revoke CDL
by: Kurt

One hand does not speak to the other. Dot FMCSA will never know that you have a medical marijuana card. The only thing that is illegal is if you fail a drug test for marijuana. despite what you may have heard by rumors there is no shared database between your state's medical marijuana program and the department of transportation.

just make sure that when you take your DOT physical that you do not disclose that you own this card. remember drug and alcohol use is illegal for CDL holders but that means you cannot be under the influence of the substances while you are on duty.

currently the test for THC are being adjusted and modified to test for active use and not past use. eventually the test for marijuana will be just like alcohol and will be able to detect if you are currently under the influence while on the job and not if you used last week for yesterday

Mar 01, 2019
Passing a drug screen test
by: Anonymous

I like most people can get a hold of a drug screen urinalysis test and pre-screen myself before taking any drug test either pre-employment or random. It is not a bad idea since the ramifications of failing are significant.

So I pretty confident when I say if I ingest marijuana in some form at the end of the work week and two or three days later have to take a drug screen test I will pass it. I am certainly no longer impaired and do not think it is irresponsible to be driving.

Like many that my drink while off duty and sober up before going back to work the next day. They are still subject to a drug test that they could fail if they really drank a lot.

So my real question is can you have a medical marijuana card and a CDL. From what I have read so far the departments of transportation is not asking to go through medical records to check so unless you fail a drug test I am hoping it is not a problem.

If I choose to legally treat my UC (colitis) while on vacation and can pass a drug screen before returning to work is someone going to revoke my CDL because I have legal right to use marijuana on my own time.

Jul 27, 2018
NY State
by: Anonymous

In NY, medical MJ is a pill, oil, or vapor that does nothing to get you high.

It seems ridiculous to not allow even that for someone to ease pain.

Jun 27, 2018
Let's not fool ourselves
by: Tokalahoma

I happen to agree with medicinal marijuana, and that's an adult choice we get to make as adults; much like alcohol, it has to be used responsibly; Like you are doing!!!


As a CDL holder myself... I know you must have lied to get your license in the first place, or are planning on lying in the future on your drug tests, because you need to renew your medical card. Commercially-licensed drivers of commercial motor vehicles must pass DOT physicals in order to obtain medical cards. Additionally, CDL drivers of CMVs are subject to DOT drug testing regulations, which explicitly bars the illicit use of Schedule I drugs. Even in the wake of increased state medical marijuana laws, the DOT stands strongly by its longstanding policy prohibiting any marijuana use by transportation employees. The DOT’s stance became particularly clear when its Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance issued a Notice six years ago in response to a Department of Justice Guidance.

So you should give up one or the other...

To answer your question... The officer was only trying to scare you straight. Their whole department plays on our fears, much like the government, all in the name of our own safety and the safety of others.

It's to bad we live in a society that will punish the whole for the mistakes of others.

Sep 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

They want to assure the travelling public is safe and that no cdl driver is using. If you want to assure the public is safe how about getting the rag heads that are driving up and down our transit system with NO cdl license off the road!!! Stupid asses.

Sep 08, 2016
No idea, but my guess:
by: Anonymous

1. Having a medical marijuana card does not mean that you USE marijuana. Just like having a voter card doesn't mean that you vote. Or that having a prescription does not necessarily mean that you are taking the prescribed medication.
2. Your MMJ card is protected medical information. I would be SHOCKED to find out that they have access to any such database.
Fight it bro! Let me know what happens. I'm very curious.

Aug 22, 2016
not right.
by: Anonymous

I don't smoke but my Husband and Sons do and they Drive better when stoned than anyone I know.. I don't think it is right that they would take away a CDL for Medical Marijuana, Some people need it when they have PTSD, Bipoler and many other conditions. The laws need to change, Why don't they get rid of Liquor that causes the most damage. but they won't because they make to much money off the taxes...

Jul 23, 2016
Arrogant Truckers
by: Anonymous

Lol half these truckers are coke/meth heads. Talking shit about a little weed... Youre a trucker not a mental or moral elite... Lighten the fuck up... The kids asking a question... How about lot lizard stds? Or the amount of coke you injest while sucking hooker spit... Oh but that only takes 3-5 day to clear instead of 30-50... Youre all hypocrites...inflated egos making what $0.53 a mile now? Or by the load?
It sucks but youre better off drinking liquor dude. The feds still have a problem with the mj but let these toothless idiots get shitfaced every night amd back on the road hungover the next day.

Jun 07, 2013
To stupid...
by: Anonymous


Researchers found that smoking one joint is equivalent to 20 cigarettes in terms of lung cancer.

In the high-exposure group, lung cancer risk rose by 5.7 times for patients who smoked more than a joint a day for 10 years, or two joints a day for 5 years, after adjusting for other variables, including cigarette smoking.

Cannabis smokers end up with five times more carbon monoxide in their bloodstream (than tobacco smokers)

The scientists also noted that marijuana could be expected to harm the airways more than tobacco since its smoke contained twice the level of carcinogens, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, compared with tobacco cigarettes.


Marijuana has been shown to impair performance on driving simulator tasks and on open and closed driving courses for up to approximately 3 hours. Decreased car handling performance, increased reaction times, impaired time and distance estimation, inability to maintain headway, lateral travel, subjective sleepiness, motor in-coordination, and impaired sustained vigilance have all been reported.


Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18% of motor vehicle driver deaths. These other drugs are often used in combination with alcohol.5

Jun 06, 2013
alcohol is legal and marijuana is illegal what a bunch of crap
by: Anonymous

anybody that drinks and thinks that they can drive or do anything behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is stupid. I've never seen anybody die from smoking, but I've seen a lot of people die from drinking. Not only that, if you drink and then wake up 8 hours later most of the time you still feel that that's pretty good I've never gone to bed from smoking and woke up at hours later and still felt weed so anybody that thinks alcohol is better than weed and should be legal is out of their minds.

May 17, 2013
ok idiot wanker post...
by: Anonymous

you can not drink and drive either with cdl..I think you missed the point....well i think you missed the bus too....LOL

If you want to smoke drugs and drink alcohol that's all fine and dandy just don't do it while you are driving a FN big rig moron!!!

Both are illegal....

Apr 16, 2013
you can lkeep your CDL
by: Anonymous

you just wont be able to drive ever. not only do companies drug test, states also mandate drivers test regularly. test positive you will lose your cdl. so you either quit smoking or quit driving cannot do both. WE DONT NEED DRUG ADDICTS MAKING TRUCKERS AND TRUCKING LOOK BAD ANYMORE!!!!

Apr 16, 2013
READ THIS!!.....
by: Anonymous

this is if there is any confusion.....it makes no sense for a person with a CDL to have a medical marijuana card.....bejeezzz


Apr 16, 2013
no drugs
by: Anonymous

means no drugs in the system......pot is drugs no matter what way you look at it.....pot is one of those drugs that stay in system for long periods of time.....if you only smoke it once in awhile why do you need a medical card for....just say no to drugs...

Dec 11, 2019
driver slicense and marajuane card
by: larry

i recently moved to massachusetts from rhode islandi have a medical marajuana card..they said I can t have both and will need to get a permit and then take a driver s test..im confused

Oct 25, 2014
So Marijuana is for Addicts? How behind ARE you!?
by: It works and I Know!

Wow... If this is the general intelligence level of the trucking community, I'm pretty horrified at being on the road with such ignorant people. D-:;

Talking about 1 joint being equivalent to 20 cigarettes... What are you? Five years old!? Oh, no pardon me... You must be like... 80 years old to be that out of touch. That's long been disproved. Over a decade ago, in fact.

Maybe some of you ignorant folks on here calling people 'wankers' and 'addicts' and such, should go read some of the articles on NORML and do some real research instead of listening to organizations like Fox News and being dumb enough to trust 'mass media' (which is heavily controlled by companies like Pfizer and the FDA) and take their ridiculous lies as fact.

Smoking marijuana does in NO way make you an addict. In fact, the only way to be addicted to marijuana is habitually (by habit). It is not addictive chemically, mainly because the active components in it are already produced naturally by our bodies. That's one reason it's so helpful to people with chemical imbalances: It's a natural way to re-balance what is off-kilter.

But, I digress. If you're dumb enough to say such ignorant things, you're too dumb to understand or do real research. Continue popping your scripts and being miserable, ya' OLD FOGIES! :D

To the OP of this thread, best of luck. Don't let these idiots bring you down. Laws are changing quickly to allow for a much more fair and proper way of determining when and why a person may or might use marijuana.

Someone who ingests and smokes marijuana part-time to help with her arthritis, Celiacs disease, migraines, depression, and appetite!

May 17, 2013
Wake up demand you liberty!!!
by: Anonymous

What a bunch of stuck up wankers, it's cool to drink though right!! And what will all you str8 arrows do when it's leagal nationwide? It will be regulated just like booze. And as long as the all powerfull federal nazi force aka the government leagalizes, all of sudden it will be just fine and limits will be set. It's all a racket built for revenue generation nothing more!! And as soon as you fed boot lickers assert your rights and demand your liberty the better off we wil all be!!

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