will my speeding ticket keep me from getting a trucking job?

by O.G
(Brooklyn NY)

In April 2007 i got a speeding ticket i was going 80mph in a 50mph zone...i know i know its very unprofessional for someone who wants to be a pro truck driver to do such a thing...all i can say is it will NEVER happen to me again....

my question is what are my job prospects? Did i shoot myself in the foot or is it possible for me to find a job somewhere? This is the only moving violation i have ever had.....any advice would help..thanks in advance!

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May 21, 2024
Speeding NEW
by: Your mom

I went in so fast

May 19, 2023
I have a ticket
by: Anonymous

I have a ticket 32 over spend limit in 70
Can I get a driving job

Jun 24, 2019
Bad day
by: Anonymous

I just got tickets 56/35 I’m cdl class a driver I don’t know if I should talk to my boss ?

Jun 22, 2016
one ticket in fifthteen years
by: Anonymous

I was just wondering if a ticket after fifteen years of a clean driving record how bad will that hurt my chances on a job.

It was in my personal vehicle and it was 15 miles over the limit any help would be welcome thanks.

Mar 23, 2016
Speeding tickets and trucking jobs
by: Hervy

That is excessive but it was a long time ago with no more tickets.

The two main things that trucking companies look at it speeding by how much and how long ago it was.

So in your case even though it was excessive speeding it was so long ago that if you didn't learn your lesson then, you would surely have some type of speeding ticket since then.

You haven't.

That says you likely learned your lesson. You can still get a trucking job.

Generally speaking, (for others reading) Companies are going to want speeding tickets to be at least 1 year old. If it is excessive 3 or 5 years old.

That give them a period of time to evaluate what happens after that. And of course in most cases it affects their insurance hiring drivers with recent excessive driving violations.

Sep 29, 2010
only speeding ticket on MVR
by: Anonymous

Man i got a speeding ticket in 12/2008 trying to make it to work on time, 88mph in 70.

I lost my trucking job the next year in November and i haven't been able to get a trucking job till this day.

What the Hell? Can't get a job and Tyson denied my unemployment. Everything went in the negative, all my bills, child support talking about taking my license, and i need bout 10grand to get my life back on track.

As far as trucking i think i got to find another career now. that speeding ticket kicking messed me all up

Jul 30, 2008
Getting a trucking job with a speeding ticket
by: The Crazy Trucker

What's happening OG,

Since you are already beating yourself up, I won't say anything about 30mph over the speed limit except, "You know they could have just taken you straight to jail and taken your license right?" Your lucky man.

I think we have all done it at least once though. Some of us just never got caught. But, we live and learn as it seems you have.

I don't think that one ticket from a year ago will keep you from being eligible for most jobs man.

Make sure you say on the comments section of the application or during the interview how you have matured and learned so much about the importance about not driving like that since then. You know, just to give the hiring person a little insight so they won't wonder if you are still the person who got that ticket.

Know what I mean?

To be sure of where you stand though. Call a few of the companies and straight up ask them if you are still eligible for hire with what you have on your record. I am pretty sure you will be eligible for most.

Good luck and come back to update us on what kind of feedback you got from the companies you call if you don't mind. It will probably help a lot of people who are reading this but didn't want to ask the question.

Thanks man and good luck,
The Crazy Trucker

Apr 18, 2017
Ticket keeping you from getting a job?
by: Anonymous

My husband has just been told by his (now former) employer that he can't hire him because of a ticket from 2 years ago.

Says it would cost him $600 a year for insurance to employ him! He has worked for 2 other firms without either mentioning the ticket, now we are desperate for the income !!!!!!!!

So yes, it will keep you from getting a trucking job!

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