Will not cutting my hair keep me from getting a trucking job

by Ken

In Sikhism, hair is traditionally not cut or trimmed in any way. Sikhs believe that hair is a gift from God, and therefore they should not alter that gift.

I feel if I tell a company they will not look favorably on my application. So how do I approach this and not be a pariah.

I don’t drink or smoke and I haven’t in several years, also I will submit to any type of testing that won’t compromise my beliefs

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Nov 21, 2021
No reason to discuss your hair in trucking
by: Hervy

Ken there is no reason to bring up your hair on your application.

If in face to face interview and you want to mention it at the end or midpoint if you think they might be wondering about your hair, it's probably something that will go over just fine for most sensible non judgmental interviewers.

By then they will have talked to you long enough to know you are an awesome person.

If they don't want to hire you after that then you probably don't want to work for that company anyway.

There's 1,000's of companies out here. Don't worry about your hair buddy.

Go for it.

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