Will the goodbyes ever get easier

Ok so ive been married for 5 months, and my husband has been driving for 3. We will never have kids, so at least thats not going to be an issue.

Im very independent, but i miss him more than i realized. Its the saying goodbye and the subsequent 2 days that get me the most. Once that passes i realize im OK. This just repeats and repeats, every time he leaves.

Does it ever get easier?

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Jan 18, 2013
In Time NEW
by: Anonymous

It does get easier in time Ive been a truckers wife for 14 years now and as the kids are getting older we decided to do two up and drive together. Its not a easy road being left at home when they go, but I found having the kids and always having projects to keep me busy always helped when missing him was real hard and most of our relationship is based on phone calls. Having communication is very important he would ring me 3 to 4 times a day or I would ring him always finished our calls with I love you and I would always say ill be waiting for you and see you soon even thou he would be home two days later.
All I can say it got easier for me, and know the communication facter is a huge deal so there is hope after all.

Dec 28, 2012
"What Keeps You Home"? NEW
by: TWR

Why do you not get your CDL and drive with him? I did not think I would like it but ended up loving it! My husband and I drove, and got to see the country together. I am not gonna say it is always easy, but it is a way to keep both of you together. If driving is not for you just ride with him...bring a book, keep a journal, photograph the sites...You may find that you enjoy it. Look at it as an adventure and a way of staying together.

Dec 28, 2012
Unfortunately it doesn't NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm hopeing we get some remarks to this title
Because I feel the same way you do.My husband
Has been working now for about six months now
And I can't stand the coming and going so I can relate.
It's hard for me because We have a three yr. old and
If it were easier to find a good sitter I'd go on the road
With him more,there's a suggestion if your permitted
To do so .I surely hope you and I get some encouragement
Because I know how your feeling ...
God bless u

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