will the the body marks truck body in tifton ga be be liable for any problems with the seat after the accident. it was already damaged but after the

by randy Williams

ok the seat was old and damaged before the accident but it was safe to send him. after the accident it was bend over and a broken he straightened it up and bend it back straight he claims. i and also serve the air conditioner systemt safe to sit in it is very loose.

well his talking convince the insurance company that I don't need to see it so I'm kind of messed up on that point. I have to buy one for myself I guess insurance company should pay per I also done the same thing to me on the air conditioner.

air conditioner was working before the truck with wreck he says it wasn't because of the way it sucked any found in its a system and it didn't make sense to me but I know it was working even after the wreck it was working I left it at the yard.

well it was going to keep it until I could get to it work on it and it stopped working and he convince them that the air conditioner family with my phone it was done before the accident. he told me his own words that he didn't want to charge me storage in the truck cuz it was sitting there waiting to be worked on.

now he's changed his mind you charging me storage on my trailer sitting there and of course the hood is on the truck cricket. he's playing with the trucks been in a wreck before it has never been in a wreck have had it since it was brand new

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