With Him for the LONG haul!

by Wendy
(North Carolina)

My Husband and I started dating just before he went to his first truck driving job. When I say just before, we started November 29 he left on a Greyhound on December 1, so I mean JUST before.

Yes at first it was hard. The phone calls, sometimes collect, sometimes days would just go on without a call. But once he called, it was like a relief to hear his voice and know that he's okay. He sort of moved in with my parents and I.

He proposed to me after 4 months, of course I said yes. Then after being together over a year I got pregnant with our first child. After being together a little over 5 years we moved into the house we're living in now.

Then after living in this house a year and a half, I got pregnant with our second child. He's been there for both of our children's births. Then recently we got married, after some other issues were resolved. We've been together 8.5 years. Still going strong.

Now don't get me wrong we've had our ups and downs. Fights and making up times. But we've not let that get in our way of being happy!

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May 31, 2010
Sounds like a fairy tale
by: Hervy

wow Wendy,

I bet there are just a few couple who are jealous of you 2! LOL

That's a great summary, sounds like a fairy tale with happy ending!

How refreshing!

Best of luck to yous guys.

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