Wives trucking with Husband!

Do you know much about this subject, pros and cons. Thanks T

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Sep 03, 2009
Husband and Wife teams driving
by: Hervy

If you are talking about both husband and wife driving, its a great idea. Especially if both of you are equally able to handle your end of the task when it's your turn either way though the money goes into one household so it isn't as much of an issue than if it were any other type of team.

The only other thing is you have to take into account that you will be living in close quarters day and night for weeks at a time.

Some couples can't do that. LOL Others can. So really look at your relationship and how well you get along (or not).

If you have a good relationship, it should be a blast. Is the money there? Yeah as long as you go with a company with the miles. I would definitely go to a company with coast to coast runs.

Good luck.

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