Women in trucking

by Danielle
(Greensboro, NC, USA)

I have heard a rumor that it is easier for a woman to pick up on the material than it is for a man. Is there any credability to this?
I have been thinking of going to school for some time, and have done my research on various schools, CR England bring at the top of my list, thus far. I have also heard it said that if you have never learned to drive a stick shift vehicle that you are easier to learn. Is this fact or fiction?
Also, any advice on geoing to a school for a specific company, where they pay for your training? I have heard horror stories. Would it be wise, or ill advised, to study the book myself, and have a good friend, also a woman trucker, teach me from there?

Thanks for your answers!

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Jun 20, 2008
Women living a truckers life
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hi Danielle,

Women handles certain tasks better than men because a man wll already have preconceived notion of how to drive the truck.

A woman is likely to be open minded to absorb all the information and follow instruction closely. Since women do follow steps closely they may also show better skills of driving after instruction. However just like men, all women aren't the same.

I feel with the questions your asking that you shouldn't worry about picking up the material. You are eager to learn and smart enough to pay attention, the material is not that hard anyone can learn it if they pay attention. You will do fine.

I have heard some good things about England's school but i can't comment first hand on England. I went to Alliance.

Just know that if a company trains you for free that you will be required to work for that company for a certain period of time or you will owe the company for the training they provide (which is fair). The horror stories mostly come from drivers who didn't ask questions and or read the fine print.

Since you know you will be obligated to the school for a certain period of time you need to do exactly what your doing, get recommendations for good companies that provide training and then read the conditions thoroughly about the training.

Some people pick up things well with informal instruction and some don't. I personally like formal instruction. But you may be more disciplined to remain focus. If so then as long as the person you are talking about knows how to effectively teach go ahead and get your cdl's. Then when you go to the driving class at the companies you won't owe them anything.

Hope this helped Danielle. We will have more recommendations for you soon. Be sure to visit again.

The Crazy Trucker

Jun 20, 2008
Women living a truckers life
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hi Danielle,

Women handles certain tasks better than men because 1. a man wll already have preconceived notion of how to drive the truck.

A woman is likely to be open minded to absorb all the information and follow instruction closely. Since women do follow steps closely they may also show better skills of driving after instruction. However just like men, all women aren't the same.

I feel with the questions your asking that you shouldn't worry about picking up the material. You are eager to learn and smart enough to pay attention, the material is not that hard anyone can learn it if they pay attention. You will do fine.

I have heard some good things about England's school but i can't comment first hand on England. I went to Alliance.

Just know that if a company trains you for free that you will be required to work for that company for a certain period of time or you will owe the company for the training they provide (which is fair). The horror stories mostly come from drivers who didn't ask questions and or read the fine print.

Since you know you will be obligated to the school for a certain period of time you need to do exactly what your doing, get recommendations for good companies that provide training and then read the conditions thoroughly about the training.

Some people pick up things well with informal instruction and some don't. I personally like formal instruction. But you may be more disciplined to remain focus. If so then as long as the person you are talking about knows how to effectively teach go ahead and get your cdl's. Then when you go to the driving class at the companies you won't owe them anything.

Hope this helped Danielle. We will have more recommendations for you soon. Be sure to visit again.

The Crazy Trucker

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