Worried wife

by Chio
(Sarasota, Fl)

My husband is going back to the road tomorrow after almost 3 years , the reason he left it for the first time is because he had a really bad accident on his semi, and he has problems on his knee and back forever!!

It happen a month later after we got married so you can imagine how hard it has been our first years married.

After the accident we moved in with my parents so now we got our own place together, no kids, no pets nothing and now he's leaving and im so depressed.

I stay here by myself and most important i'm so scared which i think its normal after all we been going trough. I need help and advice please, so i can get over this and sleep in peace while he's out there :(

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Oct 05, 2012
Sorry for your sadness
by: Anonymous

Only time will tell if you will re-adjust into the trucker lifestyle again. You will have to be patient and see how things go. Really what else can you do? In the meantime to help fill your days of boredom up, go to a local facility that helps those in need.

It is very rewarding to know you can help out another human being. This way you do not have to sit around the house all day being worried, you will tire yourself out at this volunteer job and need sleep again.

I am sure your husband can take care of himself, he was the one who wanted to return to work, so he knows best for himself and if not this will be his warning sign not to return to work.

Oct 05, 2012
That was a strange comment???
by: Anonymous

To the person who wrote the last comment, that sure was weird, why would you tell a married woman she needs another male friend??? That just sounds plain stupid....

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