Would like feedback on truck stop detailing idea

by tony

Hi there my name is tony.I've been thinking about starting my own business at truck stops to do small light detailing/cleaning of truckers semis for them while they can go eat,shower or what ever they would like to do.

I would offer simple things like cleaning windows,mirrors, lights,pick up any trash that's just laying in the cab,a wipe down on the inside with armor all and adding a air freshener and also a quick vac.

so if any you truckers could let me know if this sounds like a good idea or a bad one I would appreciate it and thank you for your time and thoughts.

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Mar 16, 2015
Not gonna let you in my truck
by: Anonymous

Unsupervised, i have seen some guys/gals doing what you are saying. you will get some bites at some cash.

Be and look professional would help. goodluck

Mar 16, 2015
Probably not a good business idea
by: Jimmy

You'd need permission from truck stop management to conduct "business" on their lot. Next, no one would give you access to their truck and leave to go eat/shower.

The things you mention can be done by the driver himself very easily. If a driver has to hire someone to do these things, he's pretty lazy. Jimmy

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