Would misdemeanor retail theft disqualify me from becoming a truck driver?

by Ricardo
(Allentown PA united states)

Getting a Second Chance

Getting a Second Chance

Would misdemeanor retail theft disqualify me from becoming a truck driver?

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Feb 03, 2017
Trucking jobs after a theft charge
by: Hervy

Ricardo, It will definitely hurt. How much depends on how long ago it occurred and how much you took. Also the trucking companies policies regarding your type of charge. Call to trucking companies tell them what is on your record and see how they respond.

(Probably don't want to waste time applying at a moving company though)

Don't call 10 trucking companies, call 100 trucking companies. Sounds like a lot but if you really want to drive that will give you a more realistic picture of what to expect.

You don't have to give them your name, just ask if they would hire with what you are convicted of. You may or many not get an answer.

Also try smaller and medium sized local trucking companies in your area.

It would help if you have been productive since the time of the offense. In other words, you can give them reason to believe you are not the same person you were when the theft charge occurred. Remember they, don't know you and have no reason to believe your words.

This means your attitude and tone needs to be even more on point in your communication with them or during an interview.
Read these page though.

Small or medium sized trucking company

Also you can try the trucking companies listed on the bottom of this page.
Trucking Jobs for Felons

How to get experience and a new drivers

2nd chances

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