Wow, Some of the Stories Are So Sad

by Amanda
(Northern Michigan)

Reading all of sad the stories on here makes me depressed.

I am a new trucker wife but my father and grandfather were both truckers.

Being a truck drivers wife is not easy, but neither is being a truck driver. Some of the women that have posted I do feel sorry for but others.... No sympathy at all.

Our husbands our gone for days and weeks at a time, working hard to support their families at home. They miss and give up so much to provide for the ones they leave at home.

Do not start a relationship with a trucker if you cannot handle being apart, you can't take care of the home and kids, yard, and all of the other things that come up by yourself. If you or he is the jealous type, walk away.

If you husband wants to start driving both of you do your research talk about all of the positives and negatives, the costs ( financial and emotional) all of the options; owner operator, company, lease, team driving, the different companies. Don't set ridiculous expectations, just like any other job, you start at the bottom.

Understand what they give up for their job, for you, for your children. Understand that just because they are home doesn't mean there isn't work to be done. And he has been gone working for a week or more, he wants to relax. It doesn't mean he should do nothing, but don't have a list 2 miles long for him to do.

Don't complain when he calls to vent, things are going wrong and he has no one else to tell but you. He can't spend all day on the phone, I usually only talk to my husband once a day and some days all I get is a text telling me where he is and he is going to sleep.

No marriage is perfect. Everyone has their problems. You get out what you put in.

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Jun 15, 2014
Stereotyping is not good NEW
by: Tay

Not every relationship will withstand the trucker lifestyle. Just like not every relationship will withstand the grooling hours and understanding that's required from a doctors wife, for example.

The trucker must be mature enough to resist the temptations of the road. I am a new trucker girlfriend. I knew what I was getting into when I said yes. I do sometimes feel sad for the wives that are already married when their man becomes a trucker because this life is not what you signed up for.

I am 32 years old and I NEVER thought I could have a long distance type relationship. But my trucker and I have faith that The Lord will see us through this. And I can imagine my life without him.

Jun 06, 2014
Gotta disagree NEW
by: Anonymous

My sister used to be married to a trucker & today her, her kids, & me & me & my sis's parents celebrated by going out to a restaurant because she got her divorce papers! My sister put her heart & soul into the relationship totally. She did EVERYTHING for him, cooked, cleaned, stocked up his truck, mom & dad even watched the kids all night so she could have a private evening with him & over time he kept arguing with her, treating her like all she was to do but cater to him, he kept calling her & threatened her because he could do no wrong, don't ever fight with this guy because in his eyes, he was perfect & he could do no wrong! And his attitude all started when he became a trucker! If my sister did not divorce his sorry ass, she probably would be in jail because she was envisioning ways of killing him! A person can make you like this when they don't want to talk over & resolve things & they make it like it is all your fault! Even the kids lost all love for him, they, too, have expressed their hatred & no one put evil thoughts into these young children's minds & my sister has a damn good lawyer because the judge granted my sister total custody of the kids! Justice has been served!

May 11, 2014
very good information NEW
by: Anonymous

I agree with your post and with the other post as well. Sometimes I think SOME women/people want their cake and it it too.

They like the money when it comes in to meet their lifestyle, but when the going gets tuff they want to complain about him not being home.

Relationships, marriages etc...means one must take the good with the bad. Their is no relationship on this planet that is perfect and without no fault.

May 10, 2014
Send the Sunshine NEW
by: Hervy

Amanda, there are indeed some less than inspiring stories posted. I hope the trucker wives will read posts like yours to pick up some good advice.

That being said, for many it's a little more complex to get from the current mindset and reality to a place where the advice can be taken and acted upon.

Relations definitely require work and the more a person tries to improve self the better he/she will do in a relationship. However, if the other person is not on the same page, things get tricky again.

At this point, I hope that all drivers and wives will take a moment to thing about all of the things their spouse is going through and putting up with in their roles.

I appreciate your input on this topic. It seems you and your husband are making it happen. That's awesome and I think that it will inspire readers.

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