X-Employer Withholding money from last check.

by SteveO
(Cottonwood AZ)

Over 4 weeks....still not recieved my last check.
In a email from the bosses wife,
they are taking out moneys for Damage that I did to the trailer. 1000.00
(I never legally agreed they could do that)

Also for FUEL used to return the truck back to the yard and for them to go get new trailer....200.00

They got me wireless internet and I agreeded to pay for it.
They stop the service and are charging me the Early Termination FEE...200.00

Looking over a few Labor Laws...whether I drive a truck or not, seems they can not legally do this...
I never signed anything saying they could hold money back.
Any help in this area would be helpful

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Mar 21, 2016
Sad reality
by: Hervy

Yeah, you really have to watch those owner operators. Once you saw that he was driving illegal and smoking weed it should have been a red light.

That's a guy with serious issues. If he will do take that risk on himself then he will make decisions that are not fair to you.

Like you said though lesson learned and I hope you do pursue him cause so it isn't easy for him to keep doing it to others.

Good luck my friend

Jan 24, 2010
VERY Irritated
by: SteveO

YES...A hard lesson learned.
But it's not over YET.
Better Business Bureaus...
Small Claims Court...
File a few complaints.

Not only getting ripped off but a Company Owner who drives illegally and smokes weed is not a good thing.

Jan 24, 2010
SteveO. is slightly irritated.
by: Jimmy

Well, my friend, welcome to the world of trucking. For folks that don't know, me and Steve are good friends. He got into this biz last year and I have helped him along the way as best I could.

Just so you know, big truck companies steal money from ex-employees also. They know to go through the courts is a big hassle for the ex-employee. I got screwed out of $6800 from a small company here in Kingman.

After suing, I lost the case. You being in Az. and the ex-employer being in Ne. is just about impossible to deal with. Phoney charges to hit you with are not unusual. I knew that guy was a flake when you hired on with him. He will come up with phoney charges that will even out your expected pay. Surprise!

Other than returning to Ne. and standing on his doorstep demanding your pay or taking him to small claims court, you are out of luck. Consider it a lesson learned. Jimmy

Jan 24, 2010
True Colors
by: Anonymous

This is typical of the human nature of people. Funny how you said it too, sounds like my last job, the old boss man and his wife, they start out as the best people in the world to work for till they can't squeeze anything else out of you, then it's time to go, just like a tube of toothpaste.

I bet you are bitter, I was, but they are playing the game to win and they learned to cheat to get what they want. They don't care if they hurt anyone. The guy I worked for had a saying : It ain't right but that's the way it is.

Move on my friend to something better. Sounds like she got into the business account, I knew that was going to be trouble ,when the boss man said the more she gets the more she wants, I told him we all were in trouble, Her name isn't Judy is it? lol

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