You helped me man!

by Josh

I've wanted to be a trucker for many years. My fiance just left me because of her drug problem. It still hurts and I still love her and pray for her. But I can't change her. I'm starting school next week and how I wish I would have her to ride along where I could protect her from those bad environments but she's gone and it looks like I'm riding solo.

Your site really gave me the motivation to get back up on my feet and do this on my own. You might want to make your own motivational cds. You know not a doctor but a regular guy who can speak to people and help them think positive.

I can't thank you enough crazy trucker!

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Aug 18, 2012
Helping out drivers NEW
by: Life As A Trucker

Josh thanks so much for that feedback man.

Glad that you are on your way back up. Hate that you have gone through those challenging times. Expect for things to change for you and your wife. You just keep praying for her as you focus your actions on staying positive.

Things will work out as they are meant to. Maybe she will hit rock bottom and do things differently.

There is a motivational Cd on the way. For now there is book available called Transforming the mind to overcome adversity that I have written in order to enlighten and motivate it's readers.

you can find it here Transforming the mind

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