Young mistakes

by Denorris
(Atlanta ,Georgia )

Hi my name is denorris and at 19 I was charged with burglary I did not do the crime but being there was just as bad I was released in December of 2012 I've stayed away from my old crowd and out the streets.

I met a woman who has changed my life but now she is 4months pregnant I just want a chance to provide for my family and my soon to be wife but no one ever overlooks your mistakes.

If anyone knows about any jobs hiring I would be more than happy to do any line of work

Alternate way to make money when companies don't open the doors
Denorris, in your situation, you can't afford to take the closed doors laying down. Most trucking companies want at least 5 years to past with serious charges on your record. I am working on internet marketing right now and it is something I will be promoting to other drivers as a way to supplement their incomes.

Consider it. But remember there are over 300,000 trucking companies. Make 100 or 200 your goal to get an idea of whether you can really find a job or not. Keep your head up.

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Feb 16, 2014
To Responder NEW
by: Anonymous

The problem with posting is that some posts may sound like they have a tone, here is where you are wrong. I had no "tone" while writing my last post because writing has no "tone" to begin with?? The tone evolves in the persons mind who is reading the post, and when they do not look at the post as positive of course, they feel they are being attacked. So in other words, I was not referring to you in the post but, the post-er.

Coming from:

An ex-teenage single mother
An ex-addict
An ex-felon

Who now has a several degrees in the discipline of counseling and in many capacities. I only speak from experience and this is my counseling style, and I refuse to sugar coat the recovery process (whatever that may be from addictions, domestic violence, money, institutionalized individuals etc...) No where is it written that it would be easy, and I do not plan on leading anyone on. However, thank you for your feedback!:)

Feb 16, 2014
Responders are tough NEW
by: Anonymous 2

Realize we all f..k up. I see a great deal of judging. If the shoe was on the other foot would you have such a retributive tone? Not trying to defend the felon, but think about what you say.

Jul 08, 2013
Choices NEW
by: Anonymous

Ultimately the choices we make in life can and will alter our lives forever. Making wise choices are hard but necessary in order to make it within our society. The choice you made to be included in a crime is serious however, in order for you to turn your life around you must make better choices in the future. Only coming from your post and what you have said, I see that this has not changed. After coming to terms with your situation and crimes and choosing to stay away from that type of crowd was a good choice. However, turning around and making another bad choice of not protecting yourself while engaging in sexual encounters I can see you are still making bad choices by putting another layer of problems on your cake and by impregnating a person as well as knowingly and willingly this could be another possibility of hindering your growth, you still made the choice. I am sorry if this sounds like a lecture, hate to say this you asked for it. There are other possibilities for you to make it in life, and one is to start by putting your foot down and stop running to the madness of the type of lifestyle you have chosen for yourself. Step up to the plate, get yourself an education if you do not have a GED go get one, next step enter your local community college they have funds to help out with assistance offered by the Federal government. Not a lot but certificate programs are beneficial in finding a job and then move on to a higher eduction where you will make more money. STOP now and do not impregnate more women or your existing mate!!!!! You will only make matters worse and screw the whole damn thing up. Condoms do not fail you as a male they protect your true manhood and it is the bravest option that a real man makes! Get use to it! Save your life first or you will never be able to save another persons life. Good Luck and God Bless.

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