Your feedback about riding OTR in truck with husband

My boyfriend is considering becoming a truck driver, and we were also wanting to get married this year. We know he would have to be gone a lot, but after he gains some experience, he wants to find something regional / local, so he could be home more. However, until then, I am thinking of riding along.

We have been together for almost 9 years, and we have no children. We're young, and we have a good relationship. I actually think it would be kinda exciting, though I get it would be quite boring as well. I would love to hear from others who have rode along; good or bad. Maybe some tips? And one thing I have been wondering, how safe are truck stops for women?

Thank you!

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Sep 20, 2015
just got home NEW
by: Anonymous

i just came back from a 9 day trip with my hubby and I LOVED it!

yeah, bathrooms were occasionally an issue, but you can kind of plan ahead. if you know you are coming up on a long stretch of nothing, don't drink much.

as for truck stops being safe for women, some are and some are not. you need to use your intuition on that. there was only one we stopped at that i felt unsafe at, and hubby accompanied me when i needed to go in. even at the ones i felt safe at, i still carried my cell and the flashlight/stun gun, because sometimes s**t happens.

i would definitely do a trial run though before committing to a full-time ride-along.

Jun 15, 2015
Advice from a Dispatcher NEW
by: Anonymous

You should definitely try it out before making a full time commitment to it. It is a lot of highway time and a lot of sit and wait at deliveries. When he has an appointment to get to there is hardly time for bathroom breaks let alone side trips to see things along the way. Plus a lot of companies don't allow riders unless they work for the company. Many of the couples you see are owner operators. Also keep in mind that he will most likely be riding with someone else as a trainer for months after he gets his CDL.

Mar 28, 2015
Think this over very very carefully NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a trucker's wife & I was on the truck with my husband for a week while I was on vacation & NEVER NEVER again! Getting to a bathroom is few & far between meaning if he gets stuck in traffic on the highway, the next nearest bathroom could be 50 miles away, getting a shower will not be a daily thing, more like maybe 2-3 times a week you will be getting a shower, I do not know how tall you are but I am only 5 feet tall & getting in & out of the truck was a living nightmare & a living hell & when I did have to go to the bathroom because I drank a lot of water, well he took pissy fits because he had to stop more often for me to go to the bathroom & he had a time limit to get there & my own friends who are not married said to me, if they were in my shoes, they would be giving my husband divorce papers! And safety for women, well let me tell you something, the 1 truck stop that we stopped at for my husband to take a 34 hour reset, well his door got knocked on & I looked out the window & lo & behold what was out there but a lot lizard (prostitute) & when she saw me she said oh s**t. Good luck to you!

Mar 19, 2015
you will love it NEW
by: Anonymous

It Is Fun Stuff, enjoy

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