Other than hitching a ride with a driver, what you are doing right now, researching trucking life on the web is the best way to experience life as a trucker. I commend you for being so smart!
Here you will find videos, audios and text with answers from and interviews with experienced truckers about the good, the bad and the ugly of trucking jobs, trucking companies and the trucking industry.
Browse around the site as I take you with me through pictures and
stories for a journey of life as a trucker, while revealing
some of the things I have learned from driving professionally 13 plus years and over a million miles. The good, the bad, and the ugly!
Life as a trucker has been around for over 15 years. I started as a trucker to help other drivers with trucking career coaching, trucking job tips and trucker life hacks.
As a truck driver my self it was easy to see what was causing the most problems and as a problem solver I could see easily how to address them.
Often trucker look for the easy way to get their Class A CDL but it's not the best way for everyone. That's just an example of the nuance that comes with choosing a career and life as a trucker.
1. Educate the person who is thinking about becoming a truck driver
so that he or she will know what to expect. This will bring better
quality drivers to the industry because they will have the information
about transportation logistics and life on the road to make informed
decision before getting on the road
2. Create a place for truckers and 4wheelers to mingle and
interact leading to better understanding each other's highway habits.
Making it easier to share the roads, increasing efficiency and improving
3. To provide a place for professional drivers to unite with
each other. Sharing information in the truckers forum and other places
on the site.
(Information such as good trucking companies, and truck stops to visit to get value service, best brokers to use, etc)
Community college CDL Training might be perfect for you if it is offered near by and often enough to meet your needs. Sometimes you can get financing and sometimes not. Here is some more info and well as advantages and disadvantages CDL A training at community colleges.
Local truck driving schools that meets acceptable standards of teaching will be the most cost effect for you. Search here to find the closest school in your area.
Check out the many advantages of becoming a truck driver. Compare trucking lifestyle to your current job or the situation you are feed up with at home.
This poem will summarize the life of a trucker for you in 2 words. Very Colorful. I will explain why if you really want to know about the life of a trucker before you decide to become one.
Becoming an owner operator tips, advice and insights that will make you successful or promptly warn you from buying a semi. Buying, leasing and authority
The reference to leasing a truck and leasing on to a company can be confusing to somenone new to the industry. We will cover the many meanings of leasing
Life on the road and the trucking lifestyle. Ask questions and get answers about trucking jobs, trucking schools, relationships and over the road driving.
Trucker life is a slightly different adventure every day. These videos and pictures my account of a day will help to you experience trucking life over the road.
Life as a trucker presents Jennifer and Julie the perfect combination of education and experience to give advise for truckers and truckers wives about relationships, family, and more.
When is it time to let go? When it leads to destruction, counter productive results, depression. But it varies from person to person. You have to evaluate your situation from the big picture. video
Dating truckers can be fun or disaster. This relationship advice will help you not just in trucking relationships but in all relationships for a happy life of love and compansionship.
Getting stopped by the DOT doesn't mean that it's time for crisis control unless of course your truck or log book is a disaster. Then again, I better not talk too fast!
Tips for sharing the road with big trucks for new drivers and holiday travelers. I want to help you make traveling safer for you and other highway users.
These Personal Development and self improvement videos will help you with awareness, mindfulness, social skills around relationships, work, parenting, health and life in general.
These videos cover the attitude and mindset for a successful trucking life and career. When people thinking of trucking they don't think about these important
Good parenting skills is necessary for truckers and their spouses who are partime single parenting. Parenting tips and advice for young or new parents too. Be proactive, armour your child for success
Getting exercise is important for all people but getting exercise over the road is especially important. We sit for hours at a time! Exercise for health, happiness and prosperity
A good diet menu is how I lost 50lbs, lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure, and got more energy. These are good diet foods that work. This is how to loose belly fat and drop pants size.
Coping with stress is easier when you learn how to do stress. Relief for stress comes in various ways here are several flexible, free effective stress relief techniques
Is trucking a recession proof career? Well do you mean literally or figuritively speaking? Trucking is the last to scale down and the first to recover in a recession so there you have it.
Websites like ripoff report is a tremendous value but the reader may still have questions about the comments and complaints. Here is some insight about the information you see at such websites.
There are some lot lizards in truck stops. Usually the same truck stops across the country in high traffic or high drug areas. This is not happening at all truck stops like many people believe.
The number of women in trucking is steadily increasing. Some companies now makes extra efforts to recruit women to be truck drivers. Here is what lady drivers can expect
I don't trust my trucker husband. Is this you? Is there a reason that you shouldn't trust him. Just because he is trucking doesn't mean he will elope with a lot lizard.
Changing trucking industry perceptions is not easy to do. We all must put forth an effort if there is any hope for truckers to be seen in a more positive light.
Many ex truckers trying to get back into trucking find themselves either facing low starting salaries or trouble getting hired without recent driving experience. Let's cut through that red tape here.
In some places you are required to chain up, put snow chains on tires when the D.O.T. gives the word. After a certain time of year you must carry them in the truck.
Willing ot train other people to get a CDL? List yourself here. Helping people to get their permit and CDL with training or renting a truck is in big demand.
Smaller and Medium sized trucking companies could great advantages but also some disadvantages. Learn the pro's and con's of smaller trucking companies. Some local smaller trucking companies don't aggressively advertise for drivers. You have to seek them out to find them.
The health effects of trucking is well known. I disagree and will give you a perspective and solution to avoid health problems 'so called' caused by trucking.
Freightliner repair tips from some of the best old school mechanics left in the trucking industry game. Series 60 Detroit engine in Freightliner Columbia.
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