TVC provides Truckers Legal Services

Protect Your Class A Drivers License"

TVC is a legal plan for drivers that obviously can't protect you from getting a ticket but it can come in handy to help you deal with the ticket and other legal needs for truckers. Depending on what plan you get it has other perks too. Watch the video as Carmello explains.

Got questions for Carmello about the TVC truckers legal plan? Submit your questions under the video.

Weatherford, Tx
Petro Exit 409
Carmello 817-374-5002

Ask Questions for Carmello about TVC Below

Here's your chance to find out what you've been wanting to know about TVC. Carmello is a well informed guy about the trucking industry and in many cases he will know if their driver legal plan might be able to help you in your situation.

Watch the videos first. Thanks.

What Other Visitors Have Said

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Can you fight a ticket from a year ago  
I forgot to pull my brakes on my truck when i went into the truck stop and came back to the truck it had rolled into a fence

i failed my random drug test at trucking school, will i be terminated? 
Will i be kicked out if trucking school for a failed dot random drug

Who pays for repair 
The truck owner wants to hold $1200 on wages for a repair bill of $4000. Because there was no tow hooks to pull the truck out we used a chain and hooked …

How to figure interest paid on lease to own? 
Doing husbands taxes. He is a OTR O/O leasing his truck. I was told for tax purposes that I can deduct the interest paid on the truck. Need to know how …

Is there any thing i can do to keep me from losing my truck? 
3months ago,I took dot physical and due to my blood pressure being high. The doctor gave me my card that was only good for 3 months,and then i was to …

hello i lost my Cdl in Wisc . due to 2 Dui s . Can i be helped ? Driving is all i know how to do. 
I want to know if this legal plan can help me get my Cdl back .

Legally can you hold a driver responsible for the first $500 of an accident, if it was preventable? 
We are having more accidents than we should with a fleet of our size, nothing seems to work, we have safety meetings, we offer bonuses, we have done everything …

have 3 prevenatives, who hires with only 6 months experience also 
terminated with swift.. they do fax history when terminated to potential employers..found a few but insurance does the final approval.. any company that …

what can you do if you take a drug test and it come back with a false postive 
i took a drug test and it came back false positive for meth. i was not asked if i was taking any kind of medication and i forgot to mention i had taken …

is it legal for an officer to search my sleeper if my curtain is closed and all i got pulled over for was a violation of a part hanging from my truck 
i got pulled over for a traffic violation and officer had searched my sleeper is he allowed to do so

is there a company that will train and hire a felon. 
is there a company in fotana, riverside, victorville or surrounding area that will train and hire a convicted felon. I just got released on 11-04-11

Getting a speeding ticket off of my driver's license 
i need someone to help get a speeding ticket off of my driver's license?

What happens to my CDL after I get a DWI (1st time)? 
I just got a DWI for the first time and I have a CDL, what happens now?

what is the responsibility of a Trucking company to assure felmale driver's safety against male co drivers?  
I have been working 4 the company for right at 4 months. I was told I could run hard or easy! That I was a good driver and they wanted to keep me! The …

How do I clear a failed drug screening?  
I made a bone headed mistake to smoke marijuana before going to a Truck Driving Training school. It was about forty days prior and I thought I was in the …

i failed a drug test in 2008  
What i need to do to get it off my DAC or to get a job

can i drive over the road if im a sex offender  
ive been offerd a job driving a truck over the road. i am a sex offender and i dont know if im allowed by law

Can I get a open container charge removed for my driving record? 
I was on leave from a deployment2009FEB and I went through a road block and I had an open container in the vehichle, I was not dui. The officer game …

what is the rule for reporting felony on job app in missouri 
i have a class D felony in missouri, that is 18 years old

I drive for a moving company and want to hire another driver and put in a truck 
I want to know if I must put this potential driver on a payroll or if I can avoid all the payroll tax returns(hiring a lawyer/tax man..etc) and just pay …

got license reinstated suspended again because of seatbelt ticket 
they said I would never be able to drive a 18 wheeler again. I have drove a truck for 34 years. This was my only income, wife is disabled and raising …

Don't do it 
TVC was a no show for my ticket, was arrested and lost everything

does seatbelt ticket go on record Not rated yet
My husband go a non moving seatbelt ticket will it go on his record..he works for a strick company

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light pole hit accedent Not rated yet
a truck driver hit a light pole and knocked it off. what is the fine or ticket?

can your employer charge her employee a broker fee? Not rated yet
My husband has been employed with an employer who has been charging an 8% broker fee. My husband is not an owner operator he is just a truck driver who …

i got my points 2 years ago can tvc get them off now so i can go back to work Not rated yet
i got a ticket for running a red light. i payed it i got four points. i got a ticket for driving unknowingly on suspended license for not paying my red …

dac reports is false fought the allegations info still on my report can you supply me some phone numbers of lawyers that handle these type of cases  Not rated yet
my name is Donald Hartfield i was charged with 2 non preventables by new york city police but the company i worked for gave me preventables need to have …

can accidents be put on my cdl without me knowing Not rated yet
My company put accidents on my background that I knew nothing about. Now it's hard for me to get a job. Can they do that?

owi 11/21/2011 in my personal vehicle Not rated yet
i am just looking for advice on getting hired again asap ,i will never do that again 2nd offense is life ,i kno

training an unexperienced driver Not rated yet
I work for the salvation army. they say they are self insured. Am i legally responsible if i'm in the cab training a driver fresh out of school with no …

seat belt violation Not rated yet
How do you fight a seat belt violation ticket when you know for a fact you were wearing it ? black shirt, black seat belt, cop can't see the seat belt, …

i speeding on my record Not rated yet
Sir i have 7 points on my Lic 5 for aggressive 2 for exceeding max speed by 10 mph i miss my court date now this is my record having hard time getting …

driver seeking a job Not rated yet
i lost my license several years ago when i was driving a truck. California gave me a ticket and when i called to pay it they said they couldn't find out …

truck contract questions Not rated yet
if i have a contract for buying my 1997 peterbilt semi can the lean holder take my truck back for not hauling the loads he wants me to and can he block …

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