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Marriage AdviceIf you need marriage advice or marriage counseling you really want to get it before trucking becomes a part of the picture. Both of you deserve to to have a fair chance at happiness. Relationships are the cornerstone of life and happiness and that relationship between a husband and wife should be the strongest each of you are in. Keith's (Jennifer's Husband)Advice from Larry about MarriageI'm laughing (as always)but it's really not funny when a relationship is infiltrated by a third party. But just think of how many relationships are infiltrated because the person who gave in to temptation did it because their spouse were not attentive and nurturing to the relationship which leaves the spouse lonely and empty. Yous guys, please take care of your relationships and if you have problems, you can get CD's to listen to going down the highway to for good advice and insight for how to build healthy strong relationships and marriages. Also if you just find AFR (American Family Radio), Bot Radio Network or other Christian talk stations, you will learn core values needed to think in a way that benefits your relationships. Also there are lectures given directly addressing the issue of creating or even restoring the marriage. Other call in shows dealing with relationships will also give you insight as to what causes problems and how to address them. So there is plenty of help out there, use it. Most people were not raised in an environment where these things were taught or modeling in many cases so don't feel there is something wrong with you needing to gain knowledge to help you in this area. If you were raised in a single parent home (and don't waste time giving me grief about keeping it real, do some research is you have a problem with this statement) you should especially be receptive to listening to CDs or reading about building healthy relationships. Marriage Advice VideoMore tips for the road from Jennifer. |